Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Your child needs to bring in an empty cereal, cracker or oatmeal box by Tuesday if possible.  I want to go on and make the boxes and decorate before Valentine’s Day.  We will not be having a Valentine’s Day party per SBDM policy but we will have a spring party the Friday before spring break.  I am still going to let them pass out valentines to their classmates though.  We will also be doing some fun learning activities within the classroom. 

Report Card Envelopes

Please return the envelope only if you have not yet done so.  I need them for the rest of the year. 

MAP testing

MAP testing has just finished and I will be sending those scores to you as soon as I get them for all children who needed to complete the make-up because of an absence.  I would say next week or so. 


Please try to get your child to school on time.  We have been having so much tardiness in our class.  It really disrupts morning instruction with several children stringing in late every day.  Make sure to send in a doctor note if you visit the doctor and/or a note so the absence is excused.  I know illnesses have really been bad lately and even though it is important to have your child at school, it is equally important to keep them home if they are contagious to others. 

The 100th day was a lot of work and FUN!  They are really pancake eaters!

Thanks so much!
MLK’s birthday is being recognized Monday January 16th.  We will not have school.
100th Day of School
The 100th day of school is a big deal around the kindergarten hall.  It is scheduled to fall on Tuesday January 24th if we have no missed school between now and then for snow.  If they are allowed to do so, it sure is fun to wear something with 100 on it.  They might paint a shirt or put 100 stickers on a shirt.  They can make a necklace with 100 beads on it.  Once again, nothing fancy, just something fun to do with counting.  I am also asking that each child bring in a small container or baggie with 100 of something they collected and counted.  It can be as simple as dry cereal.  Do not buy anything, just let them go around the house and suggest something that they could count in to ten groups of ten.    We have been practicing skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s in preparation for this big day.  We have some exciting things planned to count and do all day. 
1.      Math/Literacy-Three Bears Measurement- The children explored using cubes and tape measures to measure characters and props from the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  Then they recorded their answers.
2.      Literacy- Noun Search and sort- Children searched through magazines for pictures of nouns and sorted them according to whether the picture was a person place or a thing. 
3.      Writing Workshop- We wrote about if we were members of royalty.  What would we be like?  How would we treat others?  What would our rules be?
4.      Math/Literacy- Number words- The children completed a number word numeral match game and then practiced writing number words after they counted object to tell how many. 
5.      Computer/literacy/math- ipads- children used the ipads to practice basic skills. 
Spelling Words Group 1, 2, 3
an, can, pan, man, ran, Dan
Group 4
roast, boast, most, toast, thought, ought, bought

Thursday, January 19, 2012

dogs as heroes


Kids as Heroes


Amazing Service Dog Helps Kids with Autism

Oprah Winfrey Inforation for PLC/LDC writing task unit


The Story of Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges Video for PLC/LDC writing task unit

<embed src="http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/cbsnews_player_embed.swf" scale="noscale" salign="lt" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="#333333" width="425" height="279" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="si=254&&contentValue=50095931&shareUrl=http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7049731n" />