Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Almost here!

The first day of school is almost here. Make sure your little one gets lots of sleep and is ready to go. Also be prepared for them to be very tired and possible grumpy for the first few weeks of school in the afternoon. They must learn to build up stamina as they take on the task of learning and staying focused for so long. I also forgot to mention anything about snacks in the newsletter. Your child is more than welcome to bring a small snack that does not require any assistance to open or eat. I will let them eat their snack during literacy centers, while I have reading groups. This would be between 9 and 10. We have specials at 10 and lunch at 11:30. Also, if the weather is very hot, they can bring a small bottle of water to keep inside their cubbies. They can get a drink of it after recess and with their snack. Just label the water with their names so I know who brought it. Thank you so much and I look forward to getting to know you all this year.

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