No School Monday September 5, 2001 in observance of Labor Day.
Grandparents Breakfast is September 8th for children whose last names begin with the initials A-M and September 9th for children whose last name begins with N-Z. You will eat in the classrooms with your grandchild after getting your breakfast. Come visit and see where your grandchild spends their day.
Read to Me Week at JME
· Monday September 19th Kickoff Assemblies.
· September 20th –dress as your favorite book character.
· September 20-23- special classroom activities and guest readers
· September 12th through the 22nd- Student book drive. We need gently used books to donate to local non- profit agencies and charities.
Our class needs a few volunteer readers. You must be cleared as a volunteer by FCPS in order to do this but we would love to have you come and read to our class. If you would like to do so send me a note or an email.
Science News
We are observing meal worms in the classroom to see the metamorphosis they go through as they change into beetles. We also had a white moth to lay eggs in a container. Mrs. Cook arranged to get some monarch caterpillars which have now formed a chrysalis. We are watching daily! The Smartboard has been very engaging as we have found and watched several quick videos on life cycles.
1. Math- Number writing 7 to 10- The children finished their number books this week and now know all the number poems for number writing. Help them remember to form the numbers correctly.
2. Literacy- Shaving cream writing- the children wrote letters, words and sentences on trays lathered with shaving cream. FUN!
3. Literacy- Writing Workshop- We read and sang the rhyming book “Oh, A Hunting We Will Go”- Then each child wrote their own page to go into the class book.
4. Math- Pattern block patterns. The children used pattern blocks to make and draw patterns. Then they played a match me type game copying patterns onto a grid.
5. Science- Life Cycle of a butterfly. The children colored pictures of a butterfly life cycle and put it in the correct order of the cycle.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
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